Monday 15 April 2013

Callum's personality results.

Just did the "My Personality test" and posted the results on the blog. I agree with some elements of the results, but also completely disagree with others, and I personally think that this is simply because you can't define a person, by answering questions, which give closed, quantitative results.

From my results, I can see how some characteristcs which would match my attitudes and behaviour in the world. For example, as my "overseer" personality suggests, I do enjoy taking responsibility and being in charge of some tasks as I know I can get the job done. However, I don't agree with the idea of following procedures and rules, as I often enjoy thinking outside the box and approaching new ways of completing group work and individual work, in order to keep things fresh and engaging. I find a lot of Psychology theory challenging, or contradictory to what I think, as I believe that personality is so individual and unique that it can't be defined so simply.

The definition of my "Overseer" role is below, with my results being there too, enjoy, but remember, just because a test says your one thing, doesn't mean you have to live your day to day lives, as your definition suggests. ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They are decisive, loyal, tradition observing individuals. They enjoy being the person in charge and often make good supervisors. See MyPersonality PRO™ for a full description of your personality type.

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